Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Adventure Begins

This post is dedicated to Nadia Armamios. Beautiful woman in every respect.  Her memory will live on in everyone she touched.

I knew Ed would be at the front desk, so on my way put to Pike Place, I gave him the book I bought him to show my appreciation for him upgrading me to an ocean view. He said he would read it on his vacation to New Hampshire as he sat by the water. He also jogged my memory about Etta's, which Amy had mentioned.  I ended up going there for breakfast.  I had their signature salmon which came with a cornbread pudding that as far as I was concerned was the star on the plate!

As I ate on the patio, a man let his son dance on the ice that was chucked on the street to melt.  He was having a good time! We should all jump in ice when the opportunity presents itself.  

Almost as soon as I got outside Pike Place, I spotted Leo and his really cool clocks which were made from bike gears, crank wheels and cogs.  I bought a rate Schwinn crank wheel, which he would ship after changing it to orange and purple, which are colours I prefer.  Thanks Leo!!!

I went through Pike Place and saw something I had seen before.  The Bachelor had caught fish being thrown at him there, and I got to see a lady give it her best shot.  I think after a few tries, she managed to pinch it with her elbows before it fell in this picture.

I did not want to retrace my steps when I got to the end, so I tried to go downstairs to see the other shops. Instead I found a gum wall which I believe was also on The Bachelor but I had forgotten about.  It was pretty amazing to see all that old chewed gum, and I soon realized it was not just one small section of wall, but a huge section!!!  I was tempted to grab a used piece, it smelled so good!  But I haven't chewed used gum since I was 3 years old, much to my mom's horror.

On my way back to the hotel to arrange a taxi AHEAD OF TIME, I stopped by to say bye to Leo and noticed a SOLD sign on my clock.  I feigned disappointment that it was sold as I wanted to buy it!  We laughed and I bid him farewell.  As I walked back along 1st Ave I saw the Space Needle for the first time from the ground as I had seen it from my plane window as we landed at SEA-TAC.  

Ed arranged my taxi and I went to my room to charge a few things and get ready to leave. I also took the time to call a gentleman who will remain anonymous, but who knew about my adventure and offered to shuttle me around Port Angeles and Hurricane Ridge.  When that was done, I rested. When the taxi arrived it was a big SUV so the trike fit, and I caught the rocket shuttle to Port Angeles. I gave Ed a hug and the taxi dropped me at the RocketShuttle pickup area at SEA-TAC.  The shuttle driver, Jared, mentioned there was a seat beside him when I tired to find a spot to sit.  We chatted most of the 3+ hour trip. I learned he had 4 boys aged 11-17.  We also got into a bit of politics and he tried to convince me guns aren't the reason, it's that some people who have guns don't value life.  We called my Port Angeles contact and he told us where he'd be.  

I did not know what to expect.  Would he be young like me?  Turns out he was a healthy man with way too many bear, coyote and elk stories to be my age.  After I put my trike together, I realized his assistance was invaluable.  He gave me ties for the cables, sawed off some pipe so he could give me some gorilla tape (think duct tape but stronger... Sorry tried and true Canadians who swear by duct tape) but without adding bulk.  I used his bike pump, drank his V8, used his washroom, and took a load off and talked about his experiences with teaching.  He finally suggested we get on up to Hurricane Ridge, a mountain I couldn't possibly hope to climb by trike.   So we loaded my trike on his rack and off we went!

I had already admired the mountains but driving up was something else!  When I missed seeing a cub bear (2-3 according to my new friend) he promptly u-turned so I could see it.  He was true salt of the earth. 

 He shared so much with me, and I enjoyed his stories on our ascent.  When we got to the top, I was awed by the lookout!  He mentioned it's more magical when there are clouds.  I could imagine, but I still felt fortunate for the clear skies.

As we went to check another view which looked into the sun as it was about to set, he mentioned something about my blog.  He said Creative wasn't the word, and I wish I could remember exactly how he described how I wrote, but I remember I was flattered.

As his vision is not the best at night, he dropped me off at a campsite and we quickly said goodbye, before it got any darker. He asked to remain anonymous but he should have a name.  I'll call him Papa Angeles.  It's fitting.  He was like my guardian angel, making sure I started my adventure easily and without problems.

I had enough light up get my tent set up.  I had never even tested it, but it worked great!  It was a crazy awesome day!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Slept in Seattle

Sat beside Mr. Hack-a-lot on the trip over.  He kept waving off tea which I don't usually drink but figured it would keep me from getting whatever was ailing him.

I thought I should take the light rail since I thought a cab would be thousands of dollars.  I double checked the best stop to get off at with the hotel on route and discovered I had paid less than required. Rookie mistake!  At least next time I visit I'll know what I'm doing.  Cabbing back to catch my shuttle, because I'm not all-the-way crazy.

When I got to my hotel, Ed informed me that I was upgraded to an oceanview because I was to polite on the phone.  Thanks for raising me right mom and dad! 

On my way out for dinner, I verified my choice with Amy and Mel at the front desk.  They asked about my San Diego or Bust T-Shirt and we got to talking.  They helped me decide my evening and was off to Shiro for Omakase!

I ended up taking to three people while eating!  Suzuki who said the picture if David Suzuki I showed him looked like his dad!  Suzuki had been amazing, and did some wonderful things for me. The picture is him holding a clam.

Then I spoke to Andreas from Mexico who lived in Seattle from L.A. and had daughters aged 12 and 14 camping north of Toronto by themselves.  And then Nicole who grew up in Mississauga of all places, but most of her life in the States. This is him looking at the camera when I took a picture of the line which grew steadily as I stood there for 45 minutes before they opened to secure a place.  The triplet Seattleites behind me were talking about dating.  Apparently there is a $500 service that guarantees a relationship within 12 months or you get another 12 months for free!  The girl who said it also shared she's upset Microsoft did not hire her.

Now, the Omakase was so incredible I had to go back to thd hotel to talk with Amy and Mel!  That's some clam! And Jaybird! I had Sea Urchin!!!  The ladies and I spoke for quite a while before I headed out on my Capitol Hill adventure.  As I write this, I realize I don't have a picture of Ed.  Next time brother!!!

With my belly full of tuna belly among other fish, I set off.  On the way I saw this great arch at their convention centre.  Take note Toronto!

I also saw some people play with an interactive car. Parked on the street! Seattle is a charming city to say the least!    

I finally made it to Elliott Bay bookstore which Amy advised I visit, and it was amazing.  Even though I didn't want to carry books with me, I had to buy my ACE queens and king tokens of my appreciation.  Ed said he would read his on his upcoming cabin trip in New Hampshire!

The Capitol Hill area was bustling and it seems I arrived on the Pride weekend.  There were lots of party people around.  It was the same vibe as Toronto Pride but without the nudity.  As I walked, a girl exclaimed, "San Diego or Bust!!! Woo hoo!"  I couldn't replicate her energy, but I managed a thumbs up before replying, "Right on! Happy Pride!"  To which she replied with another, "Woohoo!" But this time throwing her head down and arms up in the air!

After walking around and enjoying the energy, I was ready to head home.  But not before sampling Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream on Amy's advice!  I had Lavender Honey, Cherry Chunk and Scout Mint in memory of my Easterbrook's adventure.

I saw a guy on a longboard swayback and forth through red lights down the steep hill, followed a few minutes later by a bike going really fast as well.  They survived this time.

I took Pike St up to Capitol Hill and went down Pine St on my way back.  I was ready to sleep.  And I slept.  I was definitely not Sleepless in Seattle!

Huge shout out to Adrienne for her advice on ACE hotel!!!  I met some great people!  Will be returning one day.  Hope to see you then!  I'd love to experience your inside scoops one day!  Seattle definitely needs a solid amount of time to enjoy.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Storm Before the Calm

Patience as a teacher is crucial if you intend to maintain your sanity.  If you are not patient, and a teacher, I'd love to write you a prescription for wine, but I'm not sure our benefits cover it.  My patience was truly tested with a custom part I had a true craftsman create.  It was supposed to take a week, and I found out perhaps too late that meeting deadlines was as weak as workmanship was strong.  

Of course, the day before my last day, I spent 4 hours of time hovering around the shop pushing this supreme craftsman compete my part.  And when he asked me to go grab the necessary part to connect it up my trike, I went and got it.  Of course I got an M8x1.25 bolt instead of an M10x1.25.  I Would not get the right part after trying Canadian Tire, Home Depot, & Bike Soup.  And Brefasco was closed. I would get the part in the morning and try to enjoy a going away party, arriving late and missing people who were sweet enough to pass by but missed my continued change of time updates.

The next morning, the day before my departure at 7am, I went to Brefasco and they had an M10x1!!!  I had the rear wheel with me.  We tried it.  And it didn't fit.  We needed an M10x1 find thread. Brefasco didn't have anything like that.  I decided to buy a larger bolt that Mr. Machine Craft could manufacture into what we needed.  I decided to take the Large thread M10x1 bolts as well.  He ended up rethreading those and they would work!  I then ran off to the bank and while he finished.  When I got back and all was done, I was thrilled. But I wasn't thrilled about what little time I had to get everything done in time for my departure.  

I packed my bike, which was no small chore, in Saran Wrap. It looked like a triple decker sandwich! Because it's a trike.  Get it?  I packed my bags, and uploaded my routes from to my Garmin bike computer, and as the hours went on, everything took longer.  I was reaching zombie stage, and wondered if it was worth sleeping or not.  I decided to take the hour before I had to get up.  Word of advice.  Book your taxi ahead of time.  Two companies refused because if my large cargo.  Thanks to Crown taxi for accommodating me!  I didn't book early as they always get there well before the arranged time and stress me out.  

I was finally able to relax, but still worried about the adequacy of my trike packing job.  Turns out they found my triple decker sandwich to be just fine. I hugged my mom goodbye and told her I would miss her.  The support she gave me set me up nicely not only for this trip, but also for Life. I sent through customs and the officer seemed more interest in discussing soccer with his peer than with me. When I was finally free of my bags and joined the security line, directly behind me was none other than a fellow teacher/peer/friend from teachers college, Yolanda, and her daughter Daniela.  Her straw fedora with pink ribbon was nothing short of fantastic!  And she took a great picture of me with her iPad in my one-hour-of-sleep state of being.  

It was quite a storm, before the calm.  How calm?  When I got on the plane after seeing my friends off as they boarded for Fort Lauderdale, I fell asleep almost immediately in my bulkhead seat as the airplane hit the Tarmac.  I woke up an hour later and was confused.  We hadn't moved.  Turns out they had to reboot the plane and test everything after the reboot.  The 8:25am departure turned into a 10:25am departure.  Seattle or bust!

Monday, June 24, 2013

My First Century (km)

To say I trained for my first century on my trike would be like saying I ate casually before going to a buffet.  So, basically, just eating normally and then overeating.  I suppose you could say I trained, with sporadic recumbent bike training in my building's gym and some rowing for the last couple if weeks, but nowhere near the preparation I should have afforded myself.  But, no matter.  On my second ride of Rawk Lobster, I rode 70.6 miles, or almost 114km.  My motivation was simple.  I needed to test how my longest day on my Seattle to San Diego trip would feel.  Would I be successful?  Let's start at the beginning.

As soon as I left, it started to rain.  Thank you Hard Knocks Gods!  And of course, about 2 miles in, I realized I had not checked my tires.  They were low.  So the immediate search for a gas station began.  About 2 miles into my trip, I happened along a sign.  Perfect!  Surely they had a bike pump for me to use!  And they did!  And it didn't work! Thank you Hard Knocks Gods!

Luckily, one of the bike shop guys asked if everything was alright, and offered to use the compressor.  I told him my plans, after he admired my machine, and he wished me luck.  He also advised I use higher pressure when I'm loaded for my trip down the coast! Thanks Trike Gods! If you can give Cycle Butik some business, despite their bad French, I would appreciate it!

It didn't take long before I started hearing people look at me and little kids say "Wow!" or "Cool!" or "Look at that!"  The best reactions were from kids in the 4-6 year old range.  In Mississauga, when I took a water break, one kid playing baseball finally noticed Rawk Lobster and shared, "Wow, that's a really cool bike!" to which his teammates quickly agreed as they turned around to look.  Go Majors!!!

I took my rain jacket off as it was a bit suffocating and the rain had more or less stopped.  I had a few showers after that, but it didn't last very long, and I was fine.  It was just those damn Hard Knocks Gods toying around with me.

I had to pee in Oakville.  Sorry Oakville.  I actually think you're a great city.  But sometimes, you know... Nature calls.  I do think you bushes are of very high quality, and I hope they benefitted from my full bladder.

It wasn't long after I crossed the boarder that I came across my first roadkill.  A mostly intact Raccoon, covered in black flies.  It was this event that prompted the instant habit of holding my breath when I saw roadkill.  It will be interesting when I'm huffing and puffing up a hill and come across the dead and decaying.  Whatever will I do?  I'll spare you the graphic detail of a squirrel I saw on my way home which got hit in such a way that its feces squirted out directly behind its rump onto the road.  You might find the image... Oh damn. Sorry.  Just be glad there's no picture for me to insert.

It wasn't long after this that I saw a girl on her bike on her phone at an intersection.  I gave her a nod but she was too interested in her phone.  She rode past me a little while later.  Then, a short while after that, we exchanged salutations as she rested on the side of the road.  Then, I met Jerry!  He was curious about Rawk Lobster and was eager to share the distance he had ridden.  He was wearing jeans and a T-Shirt and riding a bike one grade above a Supercycle.  He was excited about his achievement because he was trying to lose weight.  I wasn't interested in sharing where I had come from and where I was going for fear I would overshadow his achievement.  But I did, but reminded him that I had to build up to this kind of ride.  OK... So I lied a little.  But it seems like that gave him confidence and he shared that he would work towards a similar goal.

Then, we passed the girl as she stopped at a green light, and she asked where we were going.  I told her I was going to Easterbrook's for a hot dog.  Later, when I saw her coming up behind me, I asked her where she was going.  She said Buffalo... That she was going to try and make her way to New York.  I could only assume New York City but I wasn't sure.  She sped off ahead saying she'd see us later, but I never did.  She was packed as if she was going on a day trip.  Small bag, bike, and the clothes on her back.  When I finally drove through Burlington and then under the QEW/403, I was not sure how much further I had but I was hoping it wouldn't be too long.  I knew this stretch of road from when I had taken a course in Aldershot.  Once I got to the cemetery, I knew I was close.  The sesame snaps and energy bar had helped, but I really needed some fuel!

I decided I would start with the ice cream, while my Chicago foot long and Poutine were being made.

I had Mint Chocolate Chip, my second favourite flavour, because I felt Pralines and Cream would be too sweet, and the mint is refreshing.  I was really craving refreshing.  And thank goodness the Coca Cola was ice cold!  I scarfed down the Footlong, let my mom know I was still alive, and after ignoring her advice to take the bus back, was on the road again.  But not before using my leftover ice cream cone to make a cheese cone with some shredded cheese I found under my Poutine plate!  And for you purists, they did not describe their fries with gravy and cheese as Poutine.  Otherwise, I would have expected curds!

I had to wonder about Ian McCollum, a supply teacher at my school, when I passed by the Hospital in Burlington.  When I had visited him in the hospital, he told me about Easterbrook's.  When I realized my adventure would take me to Hamilton, I knew my destination would be Easterbrook's!  Thanks Ian!  As you said, "The foot longs are excellent."  

Things started to get a little slow going, and I wondered if I would be able to make it home in time to join my friends for Star Trek that evening at 9:30pm.  So I just kept reminding myself to pedal.  But I also made sure not to miss any experiences.  When a guy in Oakville started chatting me up, asking me questions about Rawk Lobster, I answered them and took my time talking with him and his girlfriend.  When we were interrupted by an enthusiastic gentleman of the Hell's Angels disposition, I chatted with him as well.  And it seemed like he has distance biking under his belt.  After admiring my machine and wishing me luck on my journey back to Toronto, I bid him adieu.

I had been losing steam until then, but the talks and rest were exactly what I had needed to give me mental fuel.  That and seeing the Mississauga sign.  Sure the aforementioned squirrel took a bit of the winds out of my sails, but the equal parts fascination and disgust balanced it out.  I noticed a bit too late that I had passed Clarkson, which was a street I remembered going down.  As I continued into what looked like thick forrest, I was afraid I would hit a dead end and a car park.  That didn't happen, and I continued to follow the waterfront trail signs.  Then, I got to a sign that said "no bikes".  Said nothing about no trikes, and I carried the trike through the barricade and hoped I wouldn't have to turn around.

And for a change, I met my first live animal.  His name is Ribbit.  This was just before exiting the no-bikes path, whose barricade I managed to squeeze through without getting off Rawk Lobster.

There was a lot of Industry visible from Aldershot across the bay to Hamilton, but Mississauga had plenty too.

At this point, I was at the same level of muscle fatigue both in my legs and my knees for a long enough time to know that I just had to keep on motoring to get home.  My calculations pegged me at getting home around 8:30pm.  That would be a full hour before my planned screening of Star Trek with my friends in downtown Toronto.  So I spent some of the 2 hours I had left strategizing a plan for when I got home to minimize the pain I was predicting for the next day, and possibly evening.  

My mom met me downstairs, and I wish I had taken a picture of my arrival at home, but only had video which stopped as my phone was full.  Good timing Hard Knocks Gods!!!  I had my mom grab the bottle of Advil I had bought the day before from my car as I filled the tub with cold water and ice from my freezer.  I also drank a solution with BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) which I found helps with muscle repair after a workout and stretched my quads for 45 slow seconds on each side.  I soaked in the ice water, which almost felt warm, so I ran the melting ice up and down my thighs.  Then I realized, my hot body is what made the water and ice melt so fast!

After 5 minutes of soaking, the ice had all melted and I dried off, grabbed some clothes, drank some more water, took an Advil for inflammation, rubbed a bunch of Voltaren Emugel on my quads and knees, dressed and rushed out the door.  I had 30 minutes to get downtown, park, and meet my friends. Of course, like any true Torontonian, I opted to look for free parking and found some.  I had taken roads instead of the freeway to avoid the bottleneck at Spadina offramp, and managed to find a spot in one of my free parking areas I know about, and I had 10 minutes to spare.  My friend bought my ticket and I accurately texted them that I was 6 minutes away.  I decided to see what my legs would feel like if I jogged.  It was fine.  So I started to run lightly.  Still fine.  I was amazed.  But not as amazed as I was the next morning.  I got home around 3am after having a few drinks after the movie with my friends.  I stretched my quads while lying down on my stomach in bed, before heading off to slumberland to dream of not being able to walk ever again, even though I felt fine at that point.  And when I woke up... Nothing.  No pain.  Going down stairs.  No pain. Doing a full squat.  No pain.  This was incredible!!!  I don't know what part of my quick routine did it, but I was fine.  I continued to take Advil a couple more times, and that was it.  Challenge completed, aftermath acceptable.  Guess I get the last laugh, Hard Knock Gods.  - Adamino

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ground control to Major Lobster

This is just a test to see if blogging while on my Pacific Coast tour is easy or not.  I don't have to be connected to write, and it seems to save while I do other things until I get a chance to blog.  I'm posting a pic I made with Instagram when I was on the coast last summer, but by car.

Judging by the battery usage and multitasking, I expect I will blog regularly. Why not?!