After my first night at my cousin's, I told him that I was not interested in touring L.A. and just wanted to spend as much time with him, and friends and any sightseeing was incidental gravy. My cousin Adel made sure I didn't miss a beat, and pointed out everything worth pointing out, which apparently is everything. Even the Beverly Hills police station which folks might remember from Beverly Hills Cop. It's actually the nicest most beautiful police station I've ever seen. I didn't see Sergeant Taggart though. And definitely no bananas in anyone's tailpipe.

So Adel took full advantage of my electronics knowledge and we hit Radio Shacks, Camera Shops, Best Buy, and any other place that might sell electronics so we might find him a nice point and shoot camera for everyday use without lugging a monster SLR.
As we drove the streets between electronics emporiums, I saw lots of interesting things. Adel pointed out that the people on the street sitting down were wannabes waiting to audition for a role or part in a movie or television show. It was a really hot day, so I did not envy them. But I did wish I could talk to some of them about their experiences. Perhaps one day there will be a reality show about wannabes. I won't produce it, but I think I would watch it!
I saw the Hollywood sign for the first time. I told Adel I was going to climb it one day, even though it would mean trespassing, and he told me to sign him up for when I committed the crime. It's just one of those romantic things I know I'd have to do so I wouldn't be disappointed. Bucket list kinda stuff.
After some knowledgeable electronics searching, I finally met up with my high school friend Sue, who is a teacher like me, and her husband Paul who I met for the first time. It was great to see her! And I'm proud that she is living and thriving in L.A. without a car! We met at this great place called the Farmer's Market in The Grove.
After exploring a bunch of different places to consider eating, both my cousin and I decided to follow Sue and Paul's lead and go with the Brazilian steakhouse. It was a great decision, and so delicious I on;y managed to take an after shot of the food.
I wish I could remember what this was, but I can't. Perhaps Adel and Sue can fill in the blank.
The outdoor mall The Grove was pretty spectacular. Lots of people walking around the mini-streets and grabbing the shuttle which would wander through the mini-streets. They had all the best shops, and even a really nice Apple Store which is where we met Sue and Paul. I even gave a little Apple 101 for Adel who I think is sold on Apple computers and possibly considering one as his next computer.
After a lovely afternoon, we all parted ways and we headed back home. I also made friends with Cat. Adel was amazed to find Cat on the mantle of the fireplace, which was apparently a first. Staking ground while I was a guest, showing me who really runs the place.
Adel went to pick his wife Maha up from work while I took a dip in the pool, and did some exercise. I didn't want the break to have a negative effect on the 100+ miles I still had ahead of me. The garden and pool area is really wonderful. It didn't need a half-naked mermaid, but it certainly didn't hurt.
The next morning Adel and I were involved in a rescue mission for a baby birdie, whose mam was swooping and looking around for her young, and we finally managed to get the birdie, who was stuck in the recycle bin, out and onto solid ground to be rescued by mama.
The morning involved a trip to Best Buy after I told Adel that a new washer and dryer were probably the most amazing recent appliance purchases I've made. The LGs I have were available, but unless they were willing to move the shelving above them, it wouldn't work. Front loading would be the easier choice.
In the parking lot, Adel saw his dream car, and chatted up the owner who we saw as we were leaving. The guy told him how much he would sell it form and all the work he had done. Adel took his contact info and we continued. I'm not a Merc guy, but it was a really pleasant example of automobilia.
Next, we needed to hit BMW to have Maha's car looked at. We took this crazy wide highway, which was having many more lanes added to help make the congestion even more dense with gridlock. I think it's a Guinness Record attempt or something.
That evening, we went to SugarFish for sushi, and met my good friend Lisa who went to Ryerson as well, and graduated from Radio and Television like me. She brought her husband Richard, but sadly, she was in crutches after an unfortunate surfing incident. She said the experience was surreal. The guy who sliced her leg open with her board asked if she was OK, and she said honestly, "No!" He then nodded and paddled away. Unfortunately the surf spot was at the bottom of some cliffs, so it was a chore to get to safety and get medical attention. Fortunately, it did not diminish my desire to surf, but this was helped by the many wonderful surfing stories from Lisa and Rich. Adel, Maha, Rich, Lisa and I all agreed the Sushi was fantastic. I still preferred the Omakase in Seattle, but I don't know that anyone will ever be able to touch that experience. Oh, and Rich really knew how to rock the pink. One day, I too will rock pink like a rock star!
Oh, and I only just realized, but note the girl in the background between Lisa and Richard. She was one girl with 4 or 5 other guys eating at Sugarfish. Don't forget her face.
It was so great to see Lisa after so many years. Last time I saw her was when she was living in New York City. It was great to see her so happy with her career decisions and continental movement!
On the way back to the car, I saw a bum. No, not a vagabond, but a bum. A statue of a bum. Not a statue of a vagabond.... Oh, Just look at the picture!!!
Statues were plenty, even outside malls.
The mall we went to the next day. I fell in love with these modular sofas.
More swimming in the afternoon, and then getting ready for an evening out. Adel and Maha were going to treat me to a restaurant they had been trying to go to for ages, but plans always fell through or they couldn't get a reservation when they were available. When we walked in, and I saw the hostess, I immediately recognized her from the previous night. I told Adel and Maha, and they felt it necessary to verify it. Sure enough, she said she was at Sugarfish with her colleagues on their night off. Hilarious.
After we ate, Adel said, "Happy Anniversary" to Maha and I felt like I had crashed their party. They assured me they were happy to have me share in the event. We were all glad we ordered the Tiramisu, which you have to order at an Italian Restaurant to gauge their standard, and they definitely fulfilled with what was probably the best Tiramisu I've ever had!
When we left, a nice Rolls Phantom pulled in, and there was paparazzi everywhere, and restaurant folk asking them to please stay off the property and step back to the sidewalk. It was quite an interesting experience. It drew quite a crowd. I was leaving the next night, but like every night, we all stayed up and chatted around the TV and discussed all sorts of topics, but since I though I would be doing 100 miles, my first imperial century, I needed to get up and leave super early.