When I got to Standish Hickey, I noticed an old patrol cruiser. It did t dawn on me why I remembered something about a police cruiser. But it seemed familiar.
As I was leaving the Standish Hickey drive, I looked across the street and saw this big 4x4 and noticed something written on this almost barn. It said The Peg House. Then my synapses fired and I remembered George in Eureka said the best burger in the world was at this place called the Peg House. I walked into the Peg House building and I figured it had closed down, or was being renovated. These two guys and their dogs were in there, and the guys were looking at me, having stopped making some kind of wood thing. They said the Peg House was open but that they were renting the space to make custom furniture and asked me if I needed any custom furniture. They also said the best burger in the world was in Laytonville at a place called The Chief. I wrote it in my phone as the dogs tickled my knees with their noses. One of the guys also said I should have the Tri Tip sandwich at the Peg House.
Since I had eaten breakfast and was feeling under the weather, I wasn't very hungry. So I ordered a Tri Tip sandwich and a hamburger with a Fresh Squeezed Lemonade for my cold. Vitamin C. Yum!
I ate half the Tri Tip, which was so awesome, Tri Tip is now my FAVOURITE sammich. I saved the rest for the road.
I was to climb to a 2000 ft summit, some of which I did getting to camp the night before. But with no wind and lots of gear and sun, and feeling under the weather, I was not enjoying it, but when I did get to the summit, it was beautiful to see his high I was. I took a picture of myself, and even thigh I was in the middle of nowhere, I had a signal, so I called my mom to let her know I was ok.
On the way down, I was going pretty fast. Cars have to go slow too so I take up the lane and let them follow if they are behind me. A convertible was patient and gave me distance, and I let them by when I could pull over. The woman driving asked me where my helmet was as she tapped her head. I said "Thanks" and wondered who would survive a crash. Me without a helmet or her without a crossbar.
I see lots of cool cars and trucks that would be nice to restore. This one was for sale and I figured it didn't need much body work. Looked cool as is.
I eventually found a picnic area to eat the other half of my Tri Tip sammich and take a break. They had interesting things around, like this water pump. It was labelled, saying it was a water pump so that's his I knew it was a water pump. I guessed it was an old water pump, but they failed to provide a date.
I was still pretty high up so I had more acsents and descents to tackle. And it went from hot to chilly on this side of the ridge.
When I got to the ocean, it was uplifting and beautiful, but I was ticketed and still had a ways to go. My late start and slow uphill meant I would get to camp late again.
One distinguishing difference was the hills having no trees. For most of the other two states, and much of Northern California, there were lots of trees.
I saw some birds I thought were hawks, which were everywhere on the trip, but really, these were the first vultures I'd ever seen. Up close anyway. I might have seen one in Utah or New Mexico.
This sign pleased me and made me uneasy at once. Great that they warned about bicycles, but not great that it meant more up and down winding roads.
At least the views were wonderful. But it was quite chilly, and I was trying to get over a cold.
There were lots of eucalyptus trees but smelling them didn't help my cold. But it's pretty pungent when you ride past the fallen nuts and leaves,
I also saw done flowers that were very pretty and had sons great landscapes to look at between the switchbacks.
I stopped to take a picture of this guy hang gliding, although he was so high up at one point, I figured it might be motorized, and it looked looked likd he was sitting.
I got to this place where the lighting and trees was so beautiful I said, "wow" out loud.
I eventually passed this turnoff parking lot and saw the guy that had been up in the air. I stopped and went back to talk to him. I believe his name was Richard and he took a 5 day intensive course to learn his to fly. He says it's more fun than flying a helicopter, which he can also do, because you can enjoy yourself rather than focus on all the hand and foot controls.
He put his contraption in the back of his truck, and I offered to help but he said he needed to learn his to do it himself.
I got to camp before sunset around 8:30pm. It was a nice camp. The ranger said the hiker biker was pretty full but he gave me a site which was used got overflow, but was really nice.
They had whale skeletons. The mark of a better-than-most campsite.
I set up camp and by the time I was all set, it was getting dark. I ate a delicious hamburger for Peg House that was cold, but still one of the better burgers I've ever had. George was right! There is this sauce or something that makes it taste great!!!
Hey ! It's Miki and Daniel ! Hope your trip is going well :) We really enjoyed reading your blog and your pictures are beautiful ! Keep going :D