Sunday, July 14, 2013

OMG... Camp Ice Cream?!

The best part of camping is seeing little kids having great fun doing crazy things to entertain themselves. Makes them social too. This kid was having a complete conversation with me as his sister pulled him on his skateboard.  I barely understood what he was saying, but it was definitely worth sharing.

I got a shot of Marisa with Danny before she headed North.  What little I spoke to her, she was really cool.  I thought her and Danny were an item.  Maybe in time?  They definitely looked good together.

I caught up with the boys at this attraction with a big dinsaur out front which was the subject of a story Marisa told the night before.  She walked in without paying and the woman didn't believe she didn't see the huge signs that said it was a payed attraction. Poor Marisa.

I loved the bridges on this trip, mostly because it meant less riding, overstepping an obstacle which would make the journey much longer.

And they're cool lookin'!

I wanted to buy a USB cable and found the coolest looking Radio Shack on the planet, or at least Oregon.  But it was Sunday and they were closed.  I kinda wish stuff was closed on Sunday bs k home.  People need time with family and I remember there was nothing to do do you found something to do!

It was lunch time which meant fish tacos!  And a Medio Litro of Coca-Cola.  It's so much better from a glass bottle!  The beans and rice were actually the star of this meal.  The fried fish was overdone and I tasted no fish.

Here's Sherine catching up with us having missed staying with us the night before.  I love this shot of us!

Although I'm generally slower, this gang room their time and we caught up for a group shot on the coast. This is David, Sherine, Angus, Dorian, Danny and Victor!  And bikes/trike.

The views remained gorgeous and stop worthy.  There's something truly awesome about stiff sticking out of the beach.

And this is a common practice... Passing me up hills.  The trike has a disadvantage going up hills.  Small price to pay for loungy comfort.  I should mention that Danny's bike is a single speed, which is kinda crazy and really tough on hills.  He passed me as well.

But I caught up again as these guys took in the sights and took pictures.  We also hung around to snack.  Snack on what?

Wild blackberries!!!  Danny thought it was a major find and really enjoyed eating freely from nature.

I hit the road and most people passed me, but just as I pulled into the Arch rock area, Angus was just catching up and he decided to follow.  We hiked a short distance and climbed the fence to get a better shot.  It was really cool.  Kinda reminded me of the Roche de Percé in Gaspesie, Qc.

After we got back to our rigs, Angus complained about his tire.  Remember, he had patched it up a few days before.  He didn't have a pump and seemed to have a slow leak.  My pump was Schraeder and his tube was a Presta valve, but we managed to make the switch on my pump.  So it all worked out in the end.

I was alone when I crossed the highest bridge in the entire world, if your world is Oregon.  

The bridge was nothing much but boy were we high!!!

Finally made it to Brookings, which was just after camp.  I was too late to take a dip in the ocean but I think Danny and Sherine managed. 

When I saw the back of Sherine's legs, they had a cool salt design on them.  I took a picture.  She thought I was taking a picture of her butt.  I'll use any excuse I can.  Nice salt design!!!  I won't post this photo.  You all know what salt designs on the back of legs looks like.

Victor, Dorian and I went to Brookings to grab some stuff from the grocery store.  I stayed and ate dinner.  There was a cool bear outside an Espresso thingy.  Dorian said the checkout girl told him about a dead whale on the beach and gave him directions.

Back at camp, it was just a few of us when the ice cream truck came by with chimes of childhood making me react likd a little kid. "Ice Cream!!!"  And as I shouted "Over here!" I realized I would have to chase it.  But it stopped just around the corner from our shared site.  I asked Danny, Sherine and Victor of they wanted Ice Cream but they all said no.

I got them ice cream sammiches anyway, telling Victor to "Think Fast" as I threw one to him.  Danny and Sherine caught theirs as well.  We did a sammich cheers.  Danny asked, "How did you know I actually *did* want Ice Cream?"  The real question is, who doesn't want Ice Cream?

That night we used up a lot of free wood which we fell in our laps.  Good thing I told the firewood folks I'd be back.  I never went back.  We had enough wood to build a cabin.  Dorian played some hilarious tunes with Danny's guitar, including a québécois song and Danny shared a bunch of his all originals.  I snapseeded pictures for my blog as I listened fromt he seat of my trike.  Trikes have many advantages.

And then it was time to turn in.  It was great to have two days with such a great group, but it seemed as thigh I would be venturing farther than the rest the next day.  I didn't want to leave the group, but I wanted to stay on schedule.  It was a hard choice, but I knew I'd run into these folk again.  Aside from Danny, Sherine  and David, they were all Canucks!

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